We are located just a bit over a 1/2 mile South of the Jeff Davis County Courthouse on Hwy 17 South. Physical address is 43417 TX-17, Fort Davis, Texas 79734. GPS coordinates are Latitude/Longitude to 30.5817, -103.9016. See interactive map below.

I-10 Ft. Stockton to Ft. Davis

I-10 Van Horn to Ft. Davis

Directions to Davis Mountains Inn
The actual address does not compute correctly on Google Maps or Mapquest.
If you have an Automobile GPS device, set your Latitude/Longitude to 30.5817, -103.9016 and you'll be guided to the front door of the Davis Mountains Inn.
See interactive map below.
From the East going West - Austin, San Antonio areas
Travel West via I-10 turn South on Hwy 17 go through the town of Balmorhea continue on Hwy 17 south (36 miles) to Fort Davis. Turn left on Hwy 17/ Hwy 118 through Fort Davis, stay Right on Hwy 17 South, 1/2 mile from the Court house on the left at the white rail fence & sign.
From the Northeast - Midland/ Odessa & Dallas areas
Travel West via I-20 turn South on Hwy 17 (30 miles) Merge onto I-10/TX-17 W toward Balmorhea/Ft Davis (0.3 mi) Exit off ramp turn Left under I-10 onto Hwy 17 Continue on Hwy 17 South through Balmorhea (7.4 mi), turn left on Hwy 17 after the Balmorhea State Park to Ft. Davis (31 miles). Turn left on Hwy 17/ Hwy 118 through Fort Davis, stay Right on Hwy 17 South, 1/2 mile from the Court house on the left at the white rail fence & sign.
From the West - El Paso
Travel East via I-10 turn South on Hwy 90 at Van Horn, travel 45.3 mi, turn left on FM 505 toward TX-166 (8.9 mi). Turn a slight right onto TX-166 (22.8 miles) Turn left onto TX - 17 (2 miles) Turn right onto driveway at white rail fence& sign.
From Southeast - Alpine
Travel Northwest on Hwy 118 North (26 miles) stay left at Junction 17 South towards Marfa. Travel 1/2 mile south from the junction on the left at the white rail fence & sign.
I-20 to Ft. Davis